
Friday, 11 February 2011

Breaking the 7th proposition by Wittgenstein.

Good evening!
As life gets busier and busier, I have less time to stop and think about things that make me happy...
By this time of the week I am not capable of constructing interesting stories, therefore I am just going to share some 'slice of life' moments with you for now.
All the photographs are merely snapshots, contain no artistic merit whatsoever, but I like them and it's my blog, so Alt + F4 if you want to do something else.

Добрый вечер!
Сегодняшний пост будет немного необычным так как под конец недели я совсем не способна рассказывать интересные истории и только и могу что мечтать о красивом освещении, вкусной еде и ленивых Воскресных полуднях...

I am dreaming of... having time to bake cookies! Мечтаю иметь время выпекать печенье!

beautiful light and light flowers...  мечтаю о красивом свете и светлых цветах

pancakes for breakfast in excellent company... о блинчиках на завтрак в отличной компании...

Sunday roast! О выпеченном Воскресном ужине!

cute baby animals... о милых зверенышах...

waking up very early to see the sunrise... просыпаться на зоре чтобы наблюдать рассвет...

'antique' markets of all sorts... иметь время на разнообразные антикварные рынки...

old books that tell us about the ways things used to be... мечтаю о старых книгах...

hot chocolate & people watching... о горячем шоколаде и наблюдением за людьми...

blue sky... о голубом небе...

+ blue sea!  и голубом море!

trips to English countryside... о поездках в Английские деревеньки...

London mornings, in November... о Лондонских ноябрьских утрах...

empty streets and no neon signs... о пустых улицах без неоновых знаков...

nature and beautiful lighting... о природе и красивом освещении...

picnics in the summer! о пикниках летом!

Lazying around in the parks... О ленивости в парке...

long hot showers... о длинном горячем душе...

Russian-style cookies... О печенье как в детстве...

Beautiful flowers in beautiful light... о красивых цветах и солнце через окно...

Pretzels! О ватрушках!

Sunday afternoons... о Воскресеных днях...

tea... о чае...

and of course, silly photographs! и канечно глупых фотографий мне всегда мало!

Btw, I also saw Carrie, from on a train today! She's pretty and a good blogger, but I was too shy to say hello.
And now, the most important part- do you like these types of posts once in a while instead of 'nothing'? Or would you rather just see outfit photos, trend thoughts, designer finds etc.... Please let me know what you prefer, as sometimes I am at a loss as to what might interest you guys! Enjoy your weekend!

Кстати сегодня встретила блогершу из Она очень милая и симпотичная, но я постеснялась с ней заговорить- а что бы вы сделали?
А теперь самый важный вопрос- как вам такие посты время от времени? нравятся или уж лучше ничего чем не о чем? Может быть вы предпочтете фото одежды, мысли о трендах, дизайнерах итд? Пожалуста дайте мне знать ваши мысли, иногда я правда не знаю что бы было вам интересней! Приятных выходных!


  1. отличный пост!!!Здорово,что такие маленькие чудеса могут сделать тебя счастливой!)))
    Хороших тебе выходных!!!!!!)

  2. I agree with you! we dont need a lot to be and feel happy!

  3. Antonova, I really enjoyed this post sine I share some of the same happy moments. And the ones that are different are actually inspirational, like waking up early to watch the sun rise, as I am not an early bird this is not something I enjoy but to see the sun rise it would be worth it! 'll keep it in back of my mind, maybe this summer if we go camping in Switzerland as I so want to go there! And did you take all these pictures? The pancakes, the picnic and Sunday roast made me hungry!! I just woke up and there is not much to eat here...I need to do groceries ;)
    So final verdict, yes do these posts instead of nothing!
    And why didn't you say hi to Carrie?! You should have! I didnt know her till last weekend from the Be Milano event, not that I went but I saw her on other bloggers site (her bee nest do is awesome!). Next time say hi, I am sure she'll be happy to meet you!

  4. I met Carrie at Christmas and she was really lovely, I'm sure she would have loved it if you'd said hello. That said, I am also shy in those situations and probably would have done the same as you!

  5. beautiful pictures! my favorite is of the sunset :)


  6. I love these photos. I love the shadow that the bouquet makes, the pancakes, and Sunday afternoons. And BABY GOATS are the cutest things ever.

  7. Katenka- spasibo! rada shto ponravilsya :) po-moemy vse luchshee zakluchaetsya v malen'kih elementah... nadeus' tvoi vihodnie tozhe horosho proshli!

    Irina- glad to know I'm not alone ;)

    Catita- Yay, I'm so glad you found some of these photos inspiring! yes, I took all of them... I love eating so food happens to be quite a frequent subject of my snapshots ;) Switzerland sounds like a good idea! I've never been (picture is taken in India)... but would definitely love to go soon! Hope you go ahead with camping!

    Margaret- eh... I remember reading your post about how you met her! But I was very shy, and tired... and of all things I wore a 'suit'... so I don't think she would have liked me!

    Amadamarie- Thank you... but there are no pictures of a sunset!

    Trophy Boutique- I'm glad we share same views on light, food and baby animals!! ;)

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