wanted to share a picture of Rick Gibson’s human earrings, but then I realized
that his exhibition at the Young Unknowns Gallery lasted only a couple of hours
and then he and the gallery owner were charged with and convicted of, outraging
public decency. Even-though there are rumors that these earrings are currently
held in the collection of Scotland Yard’s Black Museum in London, the museum is
closed to the public… So, having read the Obscene Publications Act 1959, I have
figured that I might be ‘distributing’ this ‘obscene’ image… even-though; personally,
I don’t find it particularly offensive.
earrings were made of freeze-dried human foetuses. The foetuses were given to
Rick Gibson by a British anatomy professor and have been preserved for 20 years
at the time he made them.
Rick Gibson is an artist, the purpose of art, is often to provoke. And so is
often the purpose of fashion. The more different and daring the piece is, the better. There
has been a lot of controversy about the use of fur, outsourcing production to
countries with little labour/human rights laws, and of course the issue of
anorexic-looking models...
But regardless of these issues, we still buy and
wear fur, people still shop at Primark (who makes those clothes?!), and anorexic-looking,
does not mean the ladies are actually suffering from a recognized medical
illness… The art has often been rather provocative and it hasn’t just
disappeared. (There’s currently a Robert Mapplethorpe’s exhibition at Alison Jacques gallery- go shock your senses!). Actually, speaking of that exhibition- there are 6 empty frames on a wall, blacked out. Over 'the black-abyss' there are descriptions of what 'should' be inside the frame... In one of those frames they're talking about a man, a bull-whip, his anus etc etc... Fascinating? That's why it's been 'censored'... NOT. The problem is- the picture is hanging right on the opposite wall, full-size and what not... Weird, right? Censorship fail? Maybe? Maybe not... I was too embarrassed to speak to my teacher about it. Go check it out and tell me what you think.
Oh yes, and what do you think- where shall
we draw the line between art and beauty, decency and standing firm by our moral
values? Morality and ethics depend on our culture, so what is decent somewhere
in America might not be viewed as such in Iran, for example. What is
censorship like in your country? What is it affected by?
I am SUCH a student... I know, I know.